Monday, May 14, 2012

Metal Weather Stripping and Dips

This week (May 6-12, 2012) seemed to be much more calm, and most everything went according to the loose plans I had for the week. Of course, it wasn't without incident entirely. On Wednesday evening I was running around the house taking care of various things, and the dog needed to go out (or that was the signal I was being sent). I went to the back door, and opened it (the door opens inward), the dog blocked my path to opening the storm door to the outside so I shifted to get on the other side around her.  And that's when it happened.
At the bottom of the big door is a small metal arch of sorts that is meant to act as a rain shield (I think it is called Brass Weatherstripping). That thing is SHARP on the bottom edges, and it sliced quite a few layers of skin off the top of my little toe on the right foot. It bled like you wouldn't believe, and was pretty sore for an hour or so afterwards.

For Thursday morning's run, I put a band-aid on it (not much will fit due to the small size of the area) and started out the door. It was stinging a good bit right from the start, although it stopped at about 1/4 mile in and didn't bother me during the run after that.

When I got home and took the shoe off, the entire right side of the sock was bright red with blood, which "looked" rough, but apparently the toe had stopped bleeding. Socks wash, so no real damage done there. I dispensed with the bandage on Saturday, and the run went was just a bit sore after the run but not much. Hopefully it will heal up in the next day or so. It is in a challenged area for me to protect it, as that toe just naturally folds into the other one, and there is a lot of contact on the outside and top of the toe in the shoe. It's always something.

With the long run on Sunday, which was a nice success, this turned out to once again top my record for weekly training mileage, so I moved that line from last week's 38.46 miles to a new high of ..... 
! 41.72 !  

Next week will be a bit of a "step back" week, at least according to my plan. This will set me up for another long run on Sunday of the following week (the 20th), as I try to reduce the intimidation factor of long runs, and build up some foundational long run strength.

Here is what last week looked like...

Day   Activity   Distance (in miles) Avg. Heart Rate Max Heart Rate
Sunday Running 16.04 150 170
Monday Walking 4.26 --- ---
Tuesday Running 6.54 143 156
Wednesday Running 6.04 150 169
Thursday Running 6.57 141 153
Friday Rest Day ---- --- ---
Saturday Running 6.53 146 162

These are my time and distance totals for the week:

Activity   Time Total   Distance Total (in miles)
Running 6:03:24 41.72
Walking 0:59:35 4.26
-------------- -------------- --------------
Overall Total 7:02:59 45.98

During this week I got a "bit" better doing the Dips, I just have to dial in the right recover period for me at this point. On Wednesday I tried a  two minute recovery with 10 reps per set, but was then unable to complete the last set of 10. On Saturday I adjusted this to 2.5 minutes, and was able to get 6 full sets of 10. Since this works the same basic muscles as the pushups, and it is a bit intense for me at this point, I've set the pushups aside for a week or two.

I've also REALLY got to get back to doing some abdominal work...I've been skipping that, and I'm bad about doing that. I nearly always feel better about myself when I include it, so I just need to make that happen this week.

Day   Activity   Sets Reps Recovery Interval
Sunday Rest Day --- --- ---
Monday Dips 5 10 3:00
Tuesday Pullups 20 5 2:00
Wednesday Dips 1 10-10-10-10-5 2:00
Thursday Rest Day ---- --- ---
Friday Rest Day ---- --- ---
Saturday Dips 6 10 2:30

Happy Running Everyone !!!


  1. You sound like an animal Michael...I should really be doing some sit-ups, Dips and core work as well...Maybe you have just motivated me ;)

    Your mileage is kicking up, good for you! Watch your step there!!
